berglind erna portrait
»I lived with my parents at the time of the crash and it didn't effect me too much. Of course, everything got more expensive.
Changes that I noticed were things like being more responsible with money and less travelling. Nevertheless, I have become more positive.
One good thing of the crisis was, that unemployed people – instead of staying home – started their own business or pursued old (and new) dreams, which they hadn't done before because they had a well paying job and didn't want to lose the comfort that money gave. In general, I think people began to think more creatively.
There are a couple of good politicians here in Iceland, but I don't agree with the current government and I think something needs to be done about the way the country is controlled.
In the future I want to travel a lot and go abroad but I would always like to be able to come back to Iceland. I'm open to everything.«
— Berglind Erna, 20 years old, studies fine-art
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