- Supermarket, Thessaloniki
- Greece has about 11 million residents
- The unemployment rate rose from 7 to 28 percent since 2008, youth unemployment rate (under 25 years)
is more than 50 percent
- The Greek national debt rose to around 302 billion euros in 2013 or 175 percent of the gross domestic product
- About one million Greeks have lost their jobs since 2009
- More than one million people receive no government support
- The unemployment benefit for a single person is 360 euros per month for up to one year
- Salaries have decreased by between 20 to 50 percent since the start of the crisis, the average decrease
was 28 percent
- Since 2010 the value added tax has increased from 19(9) percent to 23(13) percent
- Electricity tariffs have risen by 60 percent since 2007
- Since 2011, domestic consumption declined by 27 percent
- 130 000 companies/shops closed down since 2008
- The contributions for health insurance have risen, a lot of health services are only available through
private payment. Waiting times for surgery are up to one year.
- Tax exemptions were abolished (except for families with many children, monks)
- In 2013 Greece belonged to the twenty countries worldwide with the lowest fertility rate
(the average number of children per woman )
- Public sector christmas bonus's and holiday pay have been stopped
- Greek Social Laws comprises over 38500 separate laws alone
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