
Mato, 10 years old, lives in Sardashti camp in the Sinjar Mountain, (please look also here)

»I have three brothers, but no sister.
My parents live with me in the camp. We have been living here for five years and before that we lived in the village Xarbate Qawala.
Daesh attacked our village and we quickly decided to flee to the mountains.
The worst thing for me is the genocide of the Yazidis and that our situation has become so bad now.
I attend school lessons in English, Arabic, math and science in the camp. I go to school in the morning and after that I play football.
Only Daesh makes me angry. I never forget what I experienced. I know exactly what happened to me. At night I see ghosts in my dreams who attack me.
We took only water and a few clothes on our flight from home.
I'm happy when there is a wedding in the camp.
I wish I could get some good clothes again. I have only one request: That good clothes are brought to the camp.«
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