
Dilnaz, 12 years old, lives in a refugee camp in the Sinjar mountain, (please look also here)

»What I miss most is my past from my old village.
Sometimes after school, there is a chance for me to learn English or to play here in the camp.
My parents used to have a small shop and I still remember going there to shop. I don't remember other things, like our animals or our food.
For me, reading and writing are the most valuable things that I learned here at school and which might be necessary later on to work as a doctor or in some other job.
Since the last time we saw each other, nothing has changed in my life. I would still like to go back to my old home.
There is no direct danger for me here, but I am afraid of something like the Farmãn * is happening again.
There is nothing I'm afraid to talk about. What I enjoy here in the camp is the school and the time when I am in the playground.«

For Yazidis, the term Farmãn stands for all the massacres they have experienced in history. The genocide of the Yazidis by Daesh is considered the 74th Farmãn in the history of the Yazidis.
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