english deutsch KILIAN FOERSTER
»I have no siblings, my parents are separated and I came to Kyiv with my grandmother.
My father lives in Slowjansk and my mother lives in Donezk. They don't come to Kyiv, but I talk to them and they say that everything is okay with them. My mother visited me in Kyiv once, but my father just phones me.
Meanwhile, I have been in Kyiv a year now and before I lived in Donezk. My parents worried about me when the war began and we packed my clothes and I went by bus to Kyiv.
At first I thought it would only be there for two or three months and I wanted to go back again when it was all over.
I've noticed that many people left Donezk and that made me sad.
I'm visiting a school in Kyiv and met new friends and teachers, apart from that everything is as before. I am not talking about Donezk with my friends here and I have no more contact to my old friends in Donezk.
I would be happy if the war ends and I'm afraid to lose my mother. I don't miss anything else.
I wish nothing for myself but only that the war stops.
I would like to become an actor.«