franco mora
Franco, co-founder of La Mora community (

La mora (Spanish for blackberry) community is a community exchange system in Spain, which is based on similar projects such as CES. La Mora community represents in this regard a complementary currency to the euro. The founders of La Mora see their currency as a social and local currency, so that the risk of speculation is excluded as much as possible from the outset.
This community was founded in 2011 and came from the protest movement Movimiento 15-M. Their goal is the attempt to change the existing financial and economic system from the base of the society up to the policy. Besides la Mora community should bring stability and structure into the protest movement Movimiento 15-M. Everyone who participates in this community exchange system, decides by himself on the value of his work or his service.
There are various stakeholders who participate in this project: On the one hand there is a very active group that is trying to achieve their income through this group. Others want to belong to a community where they are happy and make new friends. Finally, there are also participants who are rather passive and only want to follow a trend.
Spain's biggest community exchange systems are located in Catalonia and have implemented goods or services in a value of one million euros over the course of one year.
When it comes to a collapse of the current financial system, then you will need to consider something else. In this regard la Mora community tries to explore new ways and to gain experience - there is also an exchange with scientists and politicians. Most participants are highly qualified and well trained and rather women than men.
However, Franco (co-founder of La Mora Community) also says that it is nearly impossible to attract people from lower social classes for this idea because they say: »What shall we do with mora, we need euros to to pay the electricity or the rent.«
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