nuria portrait
»I am employed via an external company, my contract has been fixed for half a year after which it will automatically be turned into a so called ›obra y servicio‹, meaning I will only keep this post as long as I am needed. I can be sacked any day then.
My mother has lost her own job and her severance pay has almost been used up. Now she has taken on two jobs at the same time for being able to cover the mortgage on her house. I am sharing an apartment with somebody and spend only little money on clothes, going out in the evening or travelling. It makes me sad to see people having worked all of their lives now losing their flats or houses.
In my opinion everybody is partly responsible for the current situation – it's not enough to just vote every four years. If I lose my job I might emigrate to Bolivia because the situation in Europe will even get worse.«
— Nuria, 29 years old, archivist in the ministry of justice
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