
Haytham, 14 years old, lives in Sardashti camp in the Sinjar Mountain, (please look also here)

»I have six siblings, three sisters and three brothers.
I live with my parents. We have been living in the camp in the Sinjar Mountains for five years.
We used to live in Til Ezer village.
When Daesh attacked our village, my family fled to the mountains. First we drove by car to the village of Jedale near the mountains. There we left our car and walked further up into the mountains.
When we arrived in the village of Jedale, we were also attacked by Daesh. We ran into the mountains and hid behind boulders so that we would not be hit by bullets. Then we climbed up the mountains.
At the camp I visit a school. I have lessons in geography, history, math, English and Arabic. In my free time, I'm reading or play soccer with my friends.
It makes me crazy and angry when I get attacked by people like Daesh. I can not forget anything that I noticed during the attack on us and our escape. These memories come to my mind again and again.
What makes me happy in the camp this is just the school teaching.
I'm afraid of Daesh, because I still have the feeling that we could be attacked again. In my dreams at night, the escape from Daesh always appears.
We only took bread and water with us on our escape from our village Til Ezer.
My only wish is that I see all the people again who are kidnapped by Daesh. And that we can go back to our villages.
In future, I would like to become a doctor.«
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